OK, don't take this personally, because it could be anyone, not a blonde.
A blonde who wanted to earn some money decided to do jobs for rich people. So she went to a rich neighborhood and and asked the owner of the first house if he needed anything done. The man told her he'd have his porch painted for $50. The blonde agreed and started on the job.
Inside, his wife, who had overheard the conversation, asked him if the blonde knew that the porch went all around the house. The man told her that the blonde should know, because she was standing on the porch.
20 minutes later the blonde came up to the front door to collect her $50. The man was surprised she had finished so quickly. He gave her $50, and as she was leaving she told him, "By the way, that was a Ferrari, not a Porch.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
I know I haven't been posting and you've probably gotten bored with this site now, as there haven't been any new jokes, but hey! Ducky has been busy! Ducky is trying out for UTS and needs to practice. Nevertheless, Ducky is ashamed.
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